INTERVIEW: 'Stories are my favourite way of communicating' | NANA

It's been a little while since I've commenced and posted an interview, but I'm back today with a chat I had with one hell of a woman - the exquisite NANA, who is set to release her debut single, W Hotel, towards the end of the week! The singer-songwriter explores love, loss, and empowerment through her music, and her voice stuns us all to silence - it truly is beautiful. With old soul legends' influence combined with a modern kick, her bold energy and vulnerability come together to show a raw, honest performance. The track is soft, almost dream-pop like, but NANA utilises the piano and incorporates some jazz undertones. Keep on reading to learn about NANAs inspirations and her musical background - she's a pretty interesting gal, if I do say so myself!

Let's start simple - tell us a bit about yourself!
I am a pop-soul popular music student at Falmouth University, but I'm originally from London. Stories are my favourite way of communicating and sharing with others, and music has always gifted me that - I hope mine can do the same with other people.

What was the first album you bought; has it impacted your own music in any way?
The first album I bought was a 'Now That's What I Call Music!' CD and it was perfect for school trips and sleepovers, for dancing around with wooden spoons as microphones!

What was growing up like for you, in terms of music?
My mother is extremely musical; she and I had the same piano teacher, actually, when we were teenagers - the teacher made her milkshakes back then, which made me a bit jealous! Mum also played in the Kensington Philharmonic Orchestra on the violin and we'd often play together. My brothers played the trumpet, piano, cello, and double bass - the house was always full of music - and we had a very eclectic CD collection.

You're about to release your debut, W Hotel, tell us a bit about that!
W Hotel is a song that was so bloody fun to sing and make, especially because it's evolved from its original meaning; it just feels like it's reflective and a moment to be proud of, where I realised I deserved a better love so went out and demanded that for myself. It's always been fab to hear other people connect to that sentiment after hearing it, too! I'm still really scared about it coming out, though, given it's my first.

What are your plans as a musician? Where do you want to end up?
My plans are to keep recording, releasing, and start performing again - but with a new band as backing - and hopefully touring. Where do I want to end up? I always remind myself to dream big, like playing Glastonbury and stuff, but I don't want to be on a big stage just for the sake of it; I want to use it to really connect with people and share the fun in meaningful music.

Who's one artist you're loving at the minute that you think we should all be listening to?
I've been listening to Isabelle Brown's single, 'To Say Goodbye,' a lot at the minute! She's madly young - only 17, I think - and insanely talented: full of soul, humour, and groove in her voice, and just makes you smile when you hear her.

So, there we have it! W Hotel will be released on the 27th February and you should all be ready for it!


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