SINGLE REVIEW: ‘Hot Head’ | Geezas

Hailing from Halifax, Geezas are another band trying time make their name in West Yorkshire’s already thriving music scene. The quartet consists of Toby Steel, Toby Ellis, Rhys Jenkins, and Isaac Brierly. The band offer cleverly written, deftly produced indie anthems with a big city sound, influenced by bands like The Kooks and The 1975. 

The lads are making their debut with Hot Head, and it’s set to be released on 17th January. It’s a fun, upbeat song that has a less upbeat meaning. With a lot of songs nowadays being written about mental health in an attempt to raise awareness, Geezas have written this track about anxiety, and personified it as a girl - giving the illness a persona. Steels sings about second guessing everything and “burning out” - a feeling a lot of us can resonate with. Artists making a statement about mental illness through their music gains them a lot of credit, as they’re using their platform in the best possible way; Geezas doing this from the get-go gives us a very good impression and an insight into what they’re made of. 


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